American Elderberry (sambucus canadensis)
bare root plant crown - approx 3 gal size
A favorite shrub of pollinators, birds, and people. The human use of elderberry for medicine and food dates back to prehistory. We currently offer three selections: Bob Gordon, Ranch, and Wyldewood.
These plants grow quickly, but remain relatively compact and would be a good choice for limited space situations where a multipurpose plant is desired. Plants range from 5-15’ tall, and thicket to about the same width. They are amenable to being pruned or mowed back to the base during the dormant season to maintain a more compact form. At 4’ plant spacing, yields can be between 5-12 lbs per plant. All three varieties will fruit on first and second year wood, with a rolling harvest from mid August - late September (zone 5a).
Just one year after establishing these cuttings in our nursery, we had a significant berry harvest, with plants topping 6’. A great opportunity for farmers looking for a quick return on a perennial investment!
See guide from the Center for Agroforestry at University of Missouri to read more about growing elderberries.
Bob Gordon - tends to have fruit heads that hang down, resisting bird predation. Later ripening.
Ranch - our most hardy and vigorous grower, with a more compact growth habit. Earlier ripening.
Wyldewood - massive flower heads. Later ripening.
*NOTE: Elderberries require heating or fermenting for safe ingestion!!